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Working Together Through a Collaborative Process

Every program we undertake is customized to the needs of the in-country laboratories we support.

Timely and accurate diagnosis along with rapid and effective treatment are critical to stopping and reversing the spread of opportunistic infection. CLSI’s Partnerships program provides assessment services, training, education, and technical assistance to resource-constrained laboratories, helping them to implement CLSI standards, improve quality, and prepare for international accreditation. Our global Laboratory Strengthening Program helps laboratories establish the standardized practices needed to better diagnose and treat patients with infectious diseases.

How We Work

Flow chart of CLSI's Collaborative Process in Partnerships


Achieving Results With Worldwide Impact

The results of CLSI’s efforts are readily seen throughout the world. By assisting laboratories with bringing their practices up to international standards in the shortest possible time, we have helped many resource-constrained countries improve diagnosis of diseases such as HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, and tuberculosis—allowing patients to receive the life-saving treatments they need.